Saturday, April 14, 2018

A Word to My Generous Friends

Facebook's new prompt, asking participants there to set up fundraisers in advance of impending birthdays is arguably one of their better "think ups." I've donated modest amounts to a number of my friends' requests, happily.  Noblesse oblige, after all.

I thought I'd join in with my own 60th birthday right around the corner, but I just have too many favorite nonprofits, and since I believe strongly in staying local I thought I might just list those that are of particular interest to me. If you are inclined to make a bit of a gift to any of them, I - and they - would be grateful. Here's the list, in no particular order. If you'll click on the name of the organization, you'll land on their website. Even if giving to any of them right now is not possible, I hope you will take a minute to learn about the amazing things going on in the city I love and in which I am fully invested. 

Please click through the link marked "news" and read the whole story about founder Charles Lee. Don't you ever get "lost in the sauce," folks.

Music is metaphor, and this season of the Chorale especially has endeavored to build bridges across this community. This coming weekend they will be presenting the same concert featuring Robert Ray's Gospel Mass in two different venues, on two different days.  I'll be attending the Friday night performance at Hutchinson Missionary Baptist Church.  I hope to see you there. 

An amazing, God-touched ministry of my church that has engaged the entire community, serving those with Alzheimers and other dementia-related conditions. So remarkable have the results of this been that it is being adopted by households of faith in other cities as well. Donations can be made to them in care of First United Methodist Church, 2416 W. Cloverdale Park, Montgomery, AL  36106

The SCC made a profound difference to my family during a difficult time. No one should be unable to get mental health or family counseling because they cannot afford it. Donations to SCC make it possible for individuals and families to get the help they need when they need it. 


There are dozens of national organizations that I support, of course, and many of you do as well. These are the ones I am laser-focused on right now. 

And honestly, giving to any charity of your choice, whether it's in my honor or not, is just the rent we pay for living in this world, so do that. Give to a house of worship in your community that needs your help. Give to a teacher in a local public school who is spending her/his own money to educate the people who will be leading our communities in the future. 

Beyond that, if you are stretched beyond measure and any of that would be a burden on you, don't fret. Here's some other things you can do!

The next time somebody cuts you off in traffic,
speak a word of peace instead of a word of anger. 

The next time you hear a child having a tantrum in a public place,
speak a word of gentleness to them and their caretaker. 

The next time you want to tell off a waiter, or a retail clerk, or a parent at the ballpark, hold your tongue and remember that day you were struggling with something nobody else knew about and when you might have been at your worst. 

Think before speaking. 


Find joy in something simple. 

Make your default setting kindness. 

Breathe in. 

Breathe out.