There was some sadness in the garden this week. While we were in Vicksburg fetching our son, Thomas, a truly despicable something-or-other attacked our beautiful squash, and they are done for. We have every reason to expect that, come July, "we" can replant and try again. Having had three for dinner one night before we left I am already looking forward to a second harvest.
RIP, squash
On a much happier note for the tomato lovers
out there, looky here!
And then look again, because these are
gorgeous, and I don't even eat them....
This week's beauty interlude features our canna.
These two photographs are just here to show my husband's ingenuity and resourcefulness. We have bamboo that the former owners planted (apparently knowing they wouldn't be living here long enough to have to deal with the general pesty-ness of the things), and neighbor kids sometimes stop by and cut them down for fishing poles. Henry needed some stakes for his tomatoes, had an AHA moment, and here we are.
The radishes are played out, and I have to apologize to those who wanted them. I love them so much I sort of ate them as fast as Henry pulled them out of the ground. They were most excellent.
We're still looking forward to okra, eggplant, beans, cantaloupe, watermelon, and cucumbers, so stay tuned!