Monday, March 21, 2011

Weekly Garden Report (week ending 3/20)

My Daddy's motto:

 "Plan your work, and work your plan."

Daddy's motto, illustrated.

A garden on paper isn't very tasty, though, so Farmer Henry has been hard at work devising a strategy to keep my impatience at bay. 

He has put in a variety of lettuce and tomato plants in the plots to which they were assigned....

... and he has begun the process of growing from seed a whole bunch of other stuff. There are no photographs of those things, because they aren't very photogenic.

But this is. 

Hey! Every garden needs some Rosemary!

But I digress.

Just to make me happy, Farmer Henry has also planted some mint for my tea in an old planter....

...and he also broke down and agreed to plant asparagus, although it'll be at least a couple years before we are able to harvest any. By then it'll probably be going for $12.98 a pound at the grocery, though, so get in line early.

There's also a lonely little eggplant plant out there. I neglected to take a photograph of it somehow, so maybe this'll hold you until I remember to do so next time!

Thumbs up, indeed!


  1. I am really impressed with his bamboo border. That is so cool and neatly done. I'm guessing his Boy Scout skills came in handy when he cut down the bamboo and framed it up. Even if the plants don't live, the border is stunning! Happy Gardening!

  2. How can you have a garden without Rosemary? Parsley Lucas ?????? Sage and Thyme????? Before you know it you have a large and well seasoned family.

  3. So when people ask how does your garden grow, you can always reply, RoseMerrily.

  4. "Hey! Every garden needs some Rosemary!"

    perfect. just perfect.
