Saturday, January 17, 2015

Putting the hem in my blessings.

In October of 2011, I wrote about my Mama's unfinished afghan. 
You can read about that by clicking the link under the photograph. 

Unfinished Symphonies

In September of 2014, I wrote about it again.
Follow the link below to read why.

It's a Boy and I'm Not Surprised

What I didn't tell you is that some months back, Ellie Vogt, the mother of my friend Melissa Allen, became aware of this story and volunteered to finish this project for me. I shipped it to her home in Florida, and with great sensitivity to what it represented to me, she undertook to finish it right where it was, adding nothing; no extra length, just enough to work the needles out and make it secure. She shipped it back to me quickly, and I've held it aside until today. 

Our grandson James Henry Lucas was born on January 15, 2015, and he came home today. And then I wrapped him up in the afghan his Great Granny started for him way back in 2011. 

"Hem your blessings with thankfulness so they don't unravel."  Anonymous


Thank you, Ellie. 

Thank you, Mama. 

Thank you, Jackie.

Thank you, God. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Carl Sandburg might have said it best.

May 1, 1927 -  December 31, 2014

A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on...Never will a time come when the most marvelous recent invention is as marvelous as a newborn baby. The finest of our precision watches, the most super colossal of our supercargo plants, don't compare with a newborn baby and the number and ingenuity of coils and springs, in the flow and change of chemical solutions, and timing devices and interrelated parts that are irreplaceable. A baby is very modern. Yet it is also the oldest of the ancients. A baby doesn't know he is a hoary and venerable antique--but he is. Before man learned how to make an alphabet, how to make a wheel, how to make a fire, he knew how to make a baby--with the Great help of woman, and his God and Maker.          ~~ Carl Sandburg

January 15, 2015