Saturday, January 1, 2011

Sweeping Changes

"A new broom sweeps clean, but the old one knows all the corners."

I have been enjoying reading other blogger's 2010 retrospectives and hopes for the coming year, and decided I'd add my very own brief one to the mix.

If 2010 in the Lucas Household had a soundtrack, it might very well include this ditty. 


First there was the little tumble I took in June, but I'm still standing.  While I am not unchanged by the experience, I have had a very good recovery.  As far as my walking is concerned, I've shaved about a minute per mile off my 2009 average time, which is just a pretty cool thing.  I hated not participating in this year's half-marathon, although serving as an encourager along the route yielded a tremendous sense of satisfaction.  I am looking forward with great anticipation to the 2011 Half, with a goal of beating my 2009 time handily.

We really thought that would stand as the Big Event of the year, but we were in for a surprise that came the Monday after Christmas, when my husband was told that as of December 31 he would no longer be employed.  

We have been so sustained this week by the love and prayers and concern of our family and friends. We both believe it is very important to be honest about how scary this is, but how certain we are that this broken road, like all the others onto which we have been compelled to detour, will lead us to some place amazing that we can't begin to imagine right this minute.

(Okay, so I will be very honest here.  I really just wanted to write this blog
 so that I could shout out publicly what my heart has been holding privately all week.)

My husband's depth of character, his ability to forgive, his resiliency,
 his emotional strength, and his integrity never fail to humble me.

One of the most amazing gifts we've already received as a result of this turn of events has been discovering that both of our sons deeply understand about their father what I have always known about him.   It has been a teachable moment for all of us.

We didn't choose either of the new brooms that have swept our life into dark corners in 2010.

But the old broom made of the straws of laughter, and hope, and faith, and love -- amazing, amazing love -- will take care of those corners in 2011.

And that's exactly the way I see it.


  1. Nice quote and broom image - happy new year to you too!

  2. Love this. Happy New Year!

  3. I absolutely adore this post! and you too!

  4. I do think there is value in the old military term: Hunker Down.
